Catch up on our latest news and thinking.
What a 'life-like' economy would look like, and how to start building its foundations: a presentation by Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services, for the Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking's 2023 Economics Lab.
The deep purpose of economics and the real value of money: a presentation by Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services, for the Credit Commons Society.
Part 2 of Dave Darby of’s interview with Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, exploring our monetary tools for a new economy.
Part 1 of Dave Darby of’s interview with Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, who made the shift from the world of nuclear physics to the world of mutual credit.
In the autumn of 2020, several members of Mutual Credit Services launched a loose symposium with the not-too-catchy identifier ‘Circular Trade Analytics’.
What we wanted to do was to develop tools and techniques that enabled us to look at the relationships and dynamics in economies which were practicing various mechanisms we identified as ‘circular’ in character – various flavours of mutual credit in particular...
I’ve been involved in what I and others have typically labelled as ‘complementary’ / ‘alternative’ / ‘radical’ approaches to currency and economics since the mid 1990s – intensively for a few years, before a gap where I did less but thought more, and then increasingly intensively again since 2017.
Through all this, I’ve heard of, been introduced to, worked with and explored the work of...